Take It And Run #1

Da questo mese Happy Days Are Here Again offre ai visitatori una compilation scaricabile con gli MP3 degli artisti recensiti nel mese precedente. Si è chiuso gennaio, ed eccovi la prima “Take it and Run”.

1. The DimesBallad Of Winslow Homer [post]

2. Hey MarseillesCannonballs [post]

3. Sparky Deathcap Berlin Syndrome [post]

4. BalmorheaHarm And Boon [post]

5. Natural Snow BuildingsThe Cover Up [post]

6. Squares On Both Sides Kitsune [post]

7. The Deep Dark WoodsAll The Money I Had Is Gone [post]

8. Beautiful Leopard Take Care Over [post]

9. Tom CooneyMountains in The Sky [post]

10. Cornflakes Heroes Let Me Be Your Tamagotchi [post]

11. The Crayon FieldsMirror Ball [post]

12. Frontier RuckusThe Tower (demo) [post]

13. Saeta Can’t Image The World without You [post]

14. Lost In The TreesFireplace [post]

15. The Secret HistoryIt’s Not The End Of The World, Jonah [post]

16. Entertainment For The Braindead A Trace [post]

17. ModdiRubbles [post]

Cliccate qui per scaricare l’intera compilation.

10 thoughts on “Take It And Run #1

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